Automatic Mariadb Backups With Powershell

2 min read August 22, 2024 362 words


Edit the script and modify the variables DBUSER and DBPASS to be your database credentials. You can either run the script standalone or schedule it using the Windows Task Manager to have your incremental backups run


Important Note

Only use this with InnoDB. If you have MyISAM the database wont backup incrementally properly. It’ll work, but each incremental would be the same size as the initial backup. If you migrated from MyISAM to InnoDB, make sure to remove the MyISAM backups of the database from the mysql folder. The reason is the same as listed above.

Source Code


$DBUSER = "username"
$DBPASS= "password"
$BACKUP_FOLDER = "C:\MariaDBBackups\"
$LOG_FOLDER = "C:\Windows\MariaDBBackupLogs\"
$MARIABACKUPEXE = "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.5\bin\mariabackup.exe"

# Get the list of incremental backup folders
$IncFolders = Get-ChildItem $BACKUP_FOLDER -Directory | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "^Inc\d+$" }
$IncFolderCount = $IncFolders.Count

# Create the log folder and start the transcript
if (-not (Test-Path $LOG_FOLDER)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LOG_FOLDER

$TIMESTAMP = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
$LOGFILE = Join-Path $LOG_FOLDER "backup_$timestamp.log"
Start-Transcript -Path $LOGFILE

# Create first backup if the base directory doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path $BASE_DIR)) {
    Write-Output "Creating initial backup"
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BASE_DIR
    & $MARIABACKUPEXE --backup --target-dir=$BASE_DIR --user="$DBUSER" --password="$DBPASS"
} else {
    if ($IncFolderCount -ge $MAX_INCREMENTALS -or -not (Get-ChildItem $BASE_DIR)) {
        # Delete backups and recreate if incrementals exceed max or base directory is empty
        Write-Output "Max incrementals reached or base directory is empty. Creating a new full backup."
        Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$BACKUP_FOLDER\*"
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BASE_DIR
        & $MARIABACKUPEXE --backup --target-dir=$BASE_DIR --user="$DBUSER" --password="$DBPASS"
    } else {
        # Create an incremental backup
		"Creating incremental backup"
        $num1 = $IncFolderCount
        $num2 = $IncFolderCount + 1
        $targetDir = Join-Path $BACKUP_FOLDER "Inc$num2"
        $baseDir = if ($num1 -eq 0) { $BASE_DIR } else { Join-Path $BACKUP_FOLDER "Inc$num1" }
        Write-Output "Creating incremental backup number $num2"
        & $MARIABACKUPEXE --backup --target-dir=$targetDir --incremental-basedir=$baseDir --user="$DBUSER" --password="$DBPASS"

# Delete all but most recent 12 logs
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $LOG_FOLDER "*.log" | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending
$filesToKeep = $files | Select-Object -First 12
$filesToDelete = $files | Where-Object { $_ -notin $filesToKeep }
$filesToDelete | Remove-Item
