Setting up Emacs with Mu4e, Protonmail, and Gmail

January 11, 2025 7 min read 1340 words
Overview Here's how to configure MU4e to work with Protonmail and Gmail simultaneously ProtonMail Bridge Overview: Create a passwordless GPG key Compile the bridge Login and export bridge certificates Start the bridge as a service Password-less GPG I don't have a keyring system installed.

Migrate Wiki.js to Another Server

September 18, 2024 2 min read 426 words
My migration setup Original server runs WikiJS through docker. One container contains the PostgresDB and the other contains the node server New server will be running WikiJS natively Exporting the database on old server From the old server, run the following command to dump the database to a file.

Corebooting Thinkpad X220 With CH341A Programmer

August 30, 2024 3 min read 459 words
Summary of page This isn't going to be a walkthrough of corebooting your Thinkpad X220. These are the steps you need to get the flasher working and connected to your system

Automatic Mariadb Backups With Powershell

August 22, 2024 2 min read 362 words
Usage Edit the script and modify the variables DBUSER and DBPASS to be your database credentials. You can either run the script standalone or schedule it using the Windows Task Manager to have your incremental backups run

Emacs Eww Useful Tips and Tricks

May 14, 2024 2 min read 422 words
Introduction These are some of the tweaks I've made that improved the quality of life in EWW. I use evil mode.